Area Quick Facts

Quick Facts About the Area and Our People
Population, 2010 estimate: Punta Gorda – 16,641, Florida – 18,801,310
Population, percent change, 2000 to 2010: Punta Gorda – 16%, Florida – 17.6%

About Charlotte County

Greater Charlotte Harbor & the Gulf Islands Area boast of an excellent location, pristine waterfront and untouched wilderness, A tranquil coastal getaway for a relaxing escape.

Maps of the City

Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce, Florida headers

Downloadable maps of Punta Gorda Pathways, our Bicycle Paths, and more offered by the city of Punta Gorda.

About Punta Gorda

The name, Punta Gorda, comes from the Spanish, meaning “Fat Point.” This historic small town is a hidden treasure of Florida and lies as a “Fat Point,” sticking out into Charlotte Harbor – one of the US’s largest natural harbors.

Centrally located between Sarasota to our North and Fort Myers to our South, Punta Gorda is a delightful location within a comfortable driving distance from Tampa, Orlando and Miami.

Useful Links

Links to help you find the things you want and need: local information websites, government facilities, schools, historic points of interest, etc.

Community Events

Find out what our members are doing! Visit our calendar of chamber and member, including social gatherings, informational seminars, support groups, business events, etc.

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